The difference between Flourishing and Fortunate

When used as adjectives, flourishing means growing, thriving, doing well, whereas fortunate means auspicious.

Flourishing is also noun with the meaning: the action of the verb.

check bellow for the other definitions of Flourishing and Fortunate

  1. Flourishing as an adjective:

    growing, thriving, doing well


    "a flourishing economy"

  1. Flourishing as a verb:

  1. Flourishing as a noun:

    The action of the verb ; flowering.

  1. Fortunate as an adjective:



    "It is a fortunate sign if the sun shines on a newly wedded couple."

  2. Fortunate as an adjective:

    Happening by good luck or favorable chance.


    "Patrick was the unlikely match-winner as Berkeley earned a fortunate victory over Chisolm."

  3. Fortunate as an adjective:

    Favored by fortune.


    "We were fortunate not to be fined for speeding."

    "This is a time when we think of those less fortunate than ourselves."