The difference between Fitting and Fixing to

Fitting is also noun with the meaning: a small part, especially a standardized or detachable part of a device or machine.

Fitting is also adjective with the meaning: ready, appropriate, or in keeping.

Fixing to is also verb with the meaning: going to.

check bellow for the other definitions of Fitting and Fixing to

  1. Fitting as a verb:

  2. Fitting as a verb (informal, US, with infinitive):

    Getting ready; preparing.


    "I'm fitting to go home and sleep."

  1. Fitting as an adjective:

    Ready, appropriate, or in keeping

  1. Fitting as a noun:

    A small part, especially a standardized or detachable part of a device or machine.

  2. Fitting as a noun (engineering):

    A tube connector; a standardized connecting part of a piping system to attach sections of pipe together, such as a coupling

  3. Fitting as a noun:

    The act of trying on clothes to inspect or adjust the fit.

  4. Fitting as a noun (manufacturing):

    The process of fitting up; especially of applying craft methods such as skilled filing to the making and assembling of machines or other products.

  5. Fitting as a noun (chiefly, _, British):

    A domestic moveable piece of furniture, which can be taken along when moving out, US furnishing (see also ).


    "the fittings of a church or study"

  6. Fitting as a noun (uncountable):

    The action or condition of having fits in the sense of seizures or convulsions.


    "Since her medication was changed, her fitting has got worse."

  1. Fixing to as a verb (Southern US, Appalachia, and, AAVE, informal):

    Going to; preparing to; about to.


    "It's fixing to rain. I'm fixing to whoop you if you don't shut up."

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