The difference between Fitness and Health

When used as nouns, fitness means the condition of being fit, suitable or appropriate, whereas health means the state of being free from physical or psychological disease, illness, or malfunction.

check bellow for the other definitions of Fitness and Health

  1. Fitness as a noun:

    The condition of being fit, suitable or appropriate.

  2. Fitness as a noun:

    The cultivation of an attractive and/or healthy physique.

  3. Fitness as a noun (evolutionary theory):

    An organism's or species' degree of success in finding a mate and producing offspring.

  4. Fitness as a noun (UK, slang):

    The condition of being attractive, fanciable or beautiful.

  1. Health as a noun:

    The state of being free from physical or psychological disease, illness, or malfunction; wellness.


    "I think she has [[autism]], [[attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD]] or some other mental health problem."

  2. Health as a noun:

    A state of well-being or balance, often physical but sometimes also mental and social; the overall level of function of an organism from the cellular (micro) level to the social (macro) level.


    "The directors are concerned about the financial health of the project."

  3. Health as a noun:

    Physical condition.

  4. Health as a noun (obsolete):

    Cure, remedy.

  5. Health as a noun (countable):

    A toast to prosperity.

  6. Health as a noun (video games):

    The amount of damage an in-game object can withstand before it is destroyed.


    "The enemies on this level have a lot of health."

  1. Health as a noun (obsolete):

    A warrior; hero; man.