The difference between Filthy and Smutty

When used as verbs, filthy means to make very dirty, whereas smutty means to make dirty.

When used as adjectives, filthy means covered with filth, whereas smutty means soiled with smut.

check bellow for the other definitions of Filthy and Smutty

  1. Filthy as an adjective:

    Covered with filth; very dirty.

  2. Filthy as an adjective:

    Obscene or offensive.

  3. Filthy as an adjective:

    Very unpleasant or disagreeable.

  1. Filthy as a verb (transitive):

    To make very dirty; to cover in filth.

  1. Smutty as an adjective:

    Soiled with smut; blackened, dirty.

  2. Smutty as an adjective:

    Obscene, indecent.

  3. Smutty as an adjective:

    Affected with the smut fungus.

  1. Smutty as a verb (transitive):

    To make dirty; to soil.