The difference between Fall asleep and Go to sleep

When used as verbs, fall asleep means to pass from a state of wakefulness into sleep, whereas go to sleep means to fall asleep.

check bellow for the other definitions of Fall asleep and Go to sleep

  1. Fall asleep as a verb:

    To pass from a state of wakefulness into sleep.

  2. Fall asleep as a verb:

    To be affected by paresthesia; to go numb.


    "My left leg has fallen asleep!"

  3. Fall asleep as a verb (poetic, euphemistic):

    To die .


    "RQ:King James Version Acts 7 60 passage=And he kneeled downe, and cried with a loud voice, Lord lay not this sinne to their charge. And when he had said this, he fell asleepe. And Saul was consenting vnto his death."

  1. Go to sleep as a verb:

    To fall asleep


    "Go to sleep at the same hour every night."