The difference between Extract and Reduction

When used as nouns, extract means something that is extracted or drawn out, whereas reduction means the act, process, or result of reducing.

Extract is also verb with the meaning: to draw out.

check bellow for the other definitions of Extract and Reduction

  1. Extract as a noun:

    Something that is extracted or drawn out.

  2. Extract as a noun:

    A portion of a book or document, incorporated distinctly in another work; a citation; a quotation.


    "I used an extract of Hemingway's book to demonstrate culture shock."

  3. Extract as a noun:

    A decoction, solution, or infusion made by drawing out from any substance that which gives it its essential and characteristic virtue


    "extract of beef"

    "extract of dandelion"

  4. Extract as a noun:

    Any substance extracted is such a way, and characteristic of that from which it is obtained


    "quinine is the most important extract of Peruvian bark."

  5. Extract as a noun:

    A solid preparation obtained by evaporating a solution of a drug, etc., or the fresh juice of a plant (distinguished from an abstract).

  6. Extract as a noun (obsolete):

    A peculiar principle (fundamental essence) once erroneously supposed to form the basis of all vegetable extracts.

  7. Extract as a noun:

    Ancestry; descent.

  8. Extract as a noun:

    A draft or copy of writing; a certified copy of the proceedings in an action and the judgment therein, with an order for execution.

  1. Extract as a verb (transitive):

    To draw out; to pull out; to remove forcibly from a fixed position, as by traction or suction, etc.


    "to extract a tooth from its socket, a stump from the earth, or a splinter from the finger"

  2. Extract as a verb (transitive):

    To withdraw by expression, distillation, or other mechanical or chemical process. Compare abstract (transitive verb).


    "to extract an essential oil from a plant"

  3. Extract as a verb (transitive):

    To take by selection; to choose out; to cite or quote, as a passage from a book.

  4. Extract as a verb (transitive):

    To select parts of a whole


    "We need to try to extract the positives from the defeat."

  5. Extract as a verb (transitive, arithmetic):

    To determine (a root of a number).


    "Please extract the cube root of 27."

  1. Reduction as a noun:

    The act, process, or result of reducing.

  2. Reduction as a noun:

    The amount or rate by which something is reduced, e.g. in price.


    "A 5% reduction in robberies"

  3. Reduction as a noun (chemistry):

    A reaction in which electrons are gained and valence is reduced; often by the removal of oxygen or the addition of hydrogen.

  4. Reduction as a noun (cooking):

    The process of rapidly boiling a sauce to concentrate it.

  5. Reduction as a noun (mathematics):

    The rewriting of an expression into a simpler form.

  6. Reduction as a noun (computability theory):

    a transformation of one problem into another problem, such as mapping reduction or polynomial reduction.

  7. Reduction as a noun (music):

    An arrangement for a far smaller number of parties, e.g. a keyboard solo based on a full opera.

  8. Reduction as a noun (philosophy, phenomenology):

    A philosophical procedure intended to reveal the objects of consciousness as pure phenomena. (See phenomenological reduction.)

  9. Reduction as a noun (medicine):

    A medical procedure to restore a fracture or dislocation to the correct alignment.