The difference between Exacting and Niggly

When used as adjectives, exacting means making excessive demands, whereas niggly means bad-tempered, especially about trivial details.

check bellow for the other definitions of Exacting and Niggly

  1. Exacting as an adjective:

    Making excessive demands; difficult to satisfy.

  2. Exacting as an adjective (of an action, task, etc):

    Requiring precise accuracy, great care, effort, or attention.

  3. Exacting as an adjective (of a person or organization):

    Characterized by exaction.

  1. Exacting as a verb:

  1. Niggly as an adjective:

    bad-tempered, especially about trivial details.

  2. Niggly as an adjective:

    trivial, insignificant

  3. Niggly as an adjective:

    pernickety, paying too much attention to small details.