The difference between Erect and Flaccid

When used as adjectives, erect means upright, whereas flaccid means flabby.

Erect is also verb with the meaning: to put up by the fitting together of materials or parts.

check bellow for the other definitions of Erect and Flaccid

  1. Erect as an adjective:

    Upright; vertical or reaching broadly upwards.

  2. Erect as an adjective:

    Rigid, firm; standing out perpendicularly.

  3. Erect as an adjective (obsolete):

    Bold; confident; free from depression; undismayed.

  4. Erect as an adjective (obsolete):

    Directed upward; raised; uplifted.

  5. Erect as an adjective:

    Watchful; alert.

  6. Erect as an adjective (heraldry):

    Elevated, as the tips of wings, heads of serpents, etc.

  1. Erect as a verb (transitive):

    To put up by the fitting together of materials or parts.


    "to erect a house or a fort"

  2. Erect as a verb (transitive):

    To cause to stand up or out.

  3. Erect as a verb:

    To raise and place in an upright or perpendicular position; to set upright; to raise.


    "to erect a pole, a flagstaff, a monument, etc."

  4. Erect as a verb:

    To lift up; to elevate; to exalt; to magnify.

  5. Erect as a verb:

    To animate; to encourage; to cheer.

  6. Erect as a verb (astrology):

    To cast or draw up (a figure of the heavens, horoscope etc.).

  7. Erect as a verb:

    To set up as an assertion or consequence from premises, etc.

  8. Erect as a verb:

    To set up or establish; to found; to form; to institute.

  1. Flaccid as an adjective:


  2. Flaccid as an adjective:

    Soft; floppy.

  3. Flaccid as an adjective:

    Lacking energy or vigor.

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