The difference between Empower and Permit

When used as verbs, empower means to give permission, power, or the legal right to do something, whereas permit means to allow (something) to happen, to give permission for.

Permit is also noun with the meaning: an artifact or document rendering something allowed or legal. a .

check bellow for the other definitions of Empower and Permit

  1. Empower as a verb (transitive):

    To give permission, power, or the legal right to do something.

  2. Empower as a verb (transitive):

    To give someone more confidence and/or strength to do something, often by enabling them to increase their control over their own life or situation.


    "John found that starting up his own business empowered him greatly in social situations."

  1. Permit as a verb (transitive):

    To allow (something) to happen, to give permission for.

  2. Permit as a verb (transitive):

    To allow (someone) to do something; to give permission to.

  3. Permit as a verb (intransitive):

    To allow for, to make something possible.

  4. Permit as a verb (intransitive):

    To allow, to admit (of).

  5. Permit as a verb (transitive, pronounced like noun):

    To grant formal authorization for (something).


    "The Building Department permitted that project last week."

  6. Permit as a verb (transitive, pronounced like noun):

    To attempt to obtain or succeed in obtaining formal authorization for (something).


    "We've been busy permitting the State Street development."

  7. Permit as a verb (now, _, archaic, rare):

    To hand over, resign (something to someone).

  1. Permit as a noun:

    An artifact or document rendering something allowed or legal. A .


    "A construction permit can be obtained from the town offices."

    "Go over to the park office and get a permit for the #3 shelter."

  2. Permit as a noun (obsolete):

    Formal permission.

  1. Permit as a noun:

    A pompano of the species .