The difference between Dominant and Domineering

When used as nouns, dominant means the fifth major tone of a musical scale (five major steps above the note in question), whereas domineering means the act of one who domineers.

When used as adjectives, dominant means ruling, whereas domineering means overbearing, dictatorial or authoritarian.

check bellow for the other definitions of Dominant and Domineering

  1. Dominant as a noun (music):

    The fifth major tone of a musical scale (five major steps above the note in question); thus G is the dominant of C, A of D, and so on.

  2. Dominant as a noun (music):

    The triad built on the dominant tone.

  3. Dominant as a noun (genetics):

    A gene that is dominant.

  4. Dominant as a noun:

    A species or organism that is dominant.

  5. Dominant as a noun (BDSM):

    The dominating partner in sadomasochistic sexual activity.

  1. Dominant as an adjective:

    Ruling; governing; prevailing


    "The dominant party controlled the government."

  2. Dominant as an adjective:

    Predominant, common, prevalent, of greatest importance.


    "The dominant plants of the Carboniferous were lycopods and early conifers."

  3. Dominant as an adjective (medicine):

    Designating the follicle which will survive atresia and permit ovulation.

  1. Domineering as a verb:

  1. Domineering as an adjective:

    overbearing, dictatorial or authoritarian

  1. Domineering as a noun:

    The act of one who domineers.