The difference between Disregard and Omit

When used as verbs, disregard means to ignore, whereas omit means to leave out or exclude.

Disregard is also noun with the meaning: the act or state of deliberately not paying attention or caring about.

check bellow for the other definitions of Disregard and Omit

  1. Disregard as a noun:

    The act or state of deliberately not paying attention or caring about; misregard.


    "The government's disregard for the needs of disabled people is outrageous."

  1. Disregard as a verb (transitive):

    To ignore; pay no attention to.

  1. Omit as a verb (transitive):

    To leave out or exclude.

  2. Omit as a verb (transitive):

    To fail to perform.

  3. Omit as a verb (transitive, rare):

    To neglect or take no notice of.