The difference between Dingy and Drab

When used as adjectives, dingy means drab, whereas drab means dull, uninteresting, particularly of colour.

Drab is also noun with the meaning: a fabric, usually of thick wool or cotton, having a drab colour.

Drab is also verb with the meaning: to consort with prostitutes.

check bellow for the other definitions of Dingy and Drab

  1. Dingy as an adjective:

    drab; shabby; dirty; squalid


    "rfquotek Charles Dickens"

  1. Dingy as a noun:

  1. Drab as an adjective:

    Dull, uninteresting, particularly of colour.

  1. Drab as a noun:

    A fabric, usually of thick wool or cotton, having a drab colour.

  2. Drab as a noun:

    The colour of this fabric; a dun, dull grey, or dull brownish yellow.

  1. Drab as a noun (dated):

    A dirty or untidy woman; a slattern.

  2. Drab as a noun (dated):

    A promiscuous woman, a slut; a prostitute.

  3. Drab as a noun:

    A box used in a saltworks for holding the salt when taken out of the boiling pans.

  1. Drab as a verb (obsolete):

    To consort with prostitutes.

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