The difference between Differentiate and Discriminate

When used as verbs, differentiate means to show, or be the distinction between two things, whereas discriminate means to make distinctions.

Differentiate is also noun with the meaning: something that has been differentiated or stratified.

Discriminate is also adjective with the meaning: having the difference marked.

check bellow for the other definitions of Differentiate and Discriminate

  1. Differentiate as a verb (transitive):

    To show, or be the distinction between two things.

  2. Differentiate as a verb (intransitive):

    To perceive the difference between things; to discriminate.

  3. Differentiate as a verb (transitive, intransitive):

    To modify, or be modified.

  4. Differentiate as a verb (transitive, mathematics):

    To calculate the derivative of a function.

  5. Differentiate as a verb (transitive, mathematics):

    To calculate the differential of a function of multiple variables.

  6. Differentiate as a verb (intransitive, biology):

    To produce distinct organs or to achieve specific functions by a process of development called differentiation.

  1. Differentiate as a noun (geology):

    Something that has been differentiated or stratified.

  1. Discriminate as a verb (intransitive):

    To make distinctions.


    "Since he was [[colorblind]] he was unable to discriminate between the blue and green bottles."

  2. Discriminate as a verb (intransitive, construed with '''against'''):

    To make decisions based on prejudice.


    "The law prohibits discriminating against people based on their skin color."

  3. Discriminate as a verb (transitive):

    To set apart as being different; to mark as different; to separate from another by discerning differences; to distinguish.


    "rfquotek Cowper"

  1. Discriminate as an adjective:

    Having the difference marked; distinguished by certain tokens.


    "rfquotek Francis Bacon"