The difference between Didactic and Instructive

When used as nouns, didactic means a treatise on teaching or education, whereas instructive means a case in the finnish language. it expresses the means or the instrument used to perform an action.

When used as adjectives, didactic means instructive or intended to teach or demonstrate, especially with regard to morality, whereas instructive means conveying knowledge, information or instruction.

check bellow for the other definitions of Didactic and Instructive

  1. Didactic as an adjective:

    Instructive or intended to teach or demonstrate, especially with regard to morality.


    "'didactic poetry"

  2. Didactic as an adjective:

    Excessively moralizing.

  3. Didactic as an adjective (medicine):

    Teaching from textbooks rather than laboratory demonstration and clinical application.

  1. Didactic as a noun (archaic):

    A treatise on teaching or education.

  1. Instructive as an adjective:

    Conveying knowledge, information or instruction.


    "Well, that was an instructive lesson."

  1. Instructive as a noun (linguistics):

    A case in the Finnish language. It expresses the means or the instrument used to perform an action.

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