The difference between Destroy and Produce

When used as verbs, destroy means to damage beyond use or repair, whereas produce means to yield, make or manufacture.

Produce is also noun with the meaning: that which is produced.

check bellow for the other definitions of Destroy and Produce

  1. Destroy as a verb (transitive):

    To damage beyond use or repair.


    "The earthquake destroyed several apartment complexes."

  2. Destroy as a verb (intransitive):

    To cause destruction.


    "Hooligans destroy unprovoked."

  3. Destroy as a verb (transitive):

    To neutralize, undo a property or condition.


    "Smoking destroys the natural subtlety of the palate."

  4. Destroy as a verb (transitive):

    To put down or euthanize.


    "'Destroying a rabid dog is required by law."

  5. Destroy as a verb (transitive):

    To severely disrupt the well-being of (a person); ruin.


    "Her divorce destroyed her; she had a nervous breakdown and was severely depressed for more than a year."

  6. Destroy as a verb (colloquial, transitive):

    To defeat soundly.

  7. Destroy as a verb (computing, transitive):

    To remove data.


    "The memory leak happened because we forgot to destroy the temporary lists."

  8. Destroy as a verb (US, colloquial, slang):

    To sing a song poorly.

  1. Produce as a verb (transitive):

    To yield, make or manufacture; to generate.

  2. Produce as a verb (transitive):

    To make (a thing) available to a person, an authority, etc.; to provide for inspection.

  3. Produce as a verb (transitive, media):

    To sponsor and present (a motion picture, etc) to an audience or to the public.

  4. Produce as a verb (mathematics):

    To extend an area, or lengthen a line.


    "to produce a side of a triangle"

  5. Produce as a verb (obsolete):

    To draw out; to extend; to lengthen or prolong.


    "to produce a man's life to threescore"

    "rfquotek Sir Thomas Browne"

  6. Produce as a verb (music):

    To alter using technology, as opposed to simply performing.


    "highly produced sound"

  1. Produce as a noun:

    That which is produced.


    "synonyms output proceeds product yield"

  2. Produce as a noun:

    Harvested agricultural goods collectively, especially vegetables and fruit, but possibly including eggs, dairy products and meat; the saleable food products of farms.

  3. Produce as a noun:


  4. Produce as a noun (Australia):

    Livestock and pet food supplies.

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