The difference between Desolate and Lonely

When used as adjectives, desolate means deserted and devoid of inhabitants, whereas lonely means unhappy because of feeling isolated from contact with other people.

Desolate is also verb with the meaning: to deprive of inhabitants.

check bellow for the other definitions of Desolate and Lonely

  1. Desolate as an adjective:

    Deserted and devoid of inhabitants.


    "a desolate isle; a desolate wilderness; a desolate house"

  2. Desolate as an adjective:

    Barren and lifeless.

  3. Desolate as an adjective:

    Made unfit for habitation or use because of neglect, destruction etc.


    "desolate altars"

  4. Desolate as an adjective:

    Dismal or dreary.

  5. Desolate as an adjective:

    Sad, forlorn and hopeless.


    "He was left desolate by the early death of his wife."

  1. Desolate as a verb:

    To deprive of inhabitants.

  2. Desolate as a verb:

    To devastate or lay waste somewhere.

  3. Desolate as a verb:

    To abandon or forsake something.

  4. Desolate as a verb:

    To make someone sad, forlorn and hopeless.

  1. Lonely as an adjective:

    Unhappy because of feeling isolated from contact with other people.

  2. Lonely as an adjective (of a, place or time):

    Unfrequented by people; desolate.

  3. Lonely as an adjective (of a, person):

    Without companions; solitary.