The difference between Derivate and Derivative

When used as nouns, derivate means something derived, whereas derivative means something derived.

When used as adjectives, derivate means derived, whereas derivative means obtained by derivation.

Derivate is also verb with the meaning: to derive.

check bellow for the other definitions of Derivate and Derivative

  1. Derivate as an adjective:

    Derived; derivative.


    "rfquotek H. Taylor"

  1. Derivate as a noun:

    Something derived; a derivative.

  1. Derivate as a verb (obsolete):

    To derive.

  1. Derivative as an adjective:

    Obtained by derivation; not radical, original, or fundamental.


    "a derivative conveyance; a derivative word"

  2. Derivative as an adjective:

    Imitative of the work of someone else.

  3. Derivative as an adjective (legal, copyright):

    Referring to a work, such as a translation or adaptation, based on another work that may be subject to copyright restrictions.

  4. Derivative as an adjective (finance):

    Having a value that depends on an underlying asset of variable value.

  5. Derivative as an adjective:

    Lacking originality.

  1. Derivative as a noun:

    Something derived.

  2. Derivative as a noun (linguistics):

    A word that derives from another one.

  3. Derivative as a noun (finance):

    A financial instrument whose value depends on the valuation of an underlying asset; such as a warrant, an option etc.

  4. Derivative as a noun (chemistry):

    A chemical derived from another.

  5. Derivative as a noun (calculus):

    The derived function of a function (the slope at a certain point on some curve f(x))


    "The derivative of <math>f:f(x) = x^2</math> is <math>f':f'(x) = 2x</math>"

  6. Derivative as a noun (calculus):

    The value of this function for a given value of its independent variable.


    "The derivative of <math>f(x) = x^2</math> at x = 3 is <math>f'(3) = 2 * 3 = 6</math>."