The difference between Dark and Hopeless

When used as adjectives, dark means extinguished, whereas hopeless means without hope.

Dark is also noun with the meaning: a complete or (more often) partial absence of light.

check bellow for the other definitions of Dark and Hopeless

  1. Dark as an adjective (of a source of [[light]]):

    Having an absolute or (more often) relative lack of light. Extinguished. Deprived of sight; blind.


    "The room was too dark for reading."

    "'Dark signals should be treated as all-way stop signs."

  2. Dark as an adjective (of colour):

    Dull or deeper in hue; not bright or light.


    "my sister's hair is darker than mine;  her skin grew dark with a suntan"

  3. Dark as an adjective (betting, of race horses):

    Hidden, secret, obscure. Not clear to the understanding; not easily through; obscure; mysterious; hidden. Having racing capability not widely known.

  4. Dark as an adjective:

    Without moral or spiritual light; sinister, malign.


    "a dark villain;  a dark deed"

  5. Dark as an adjective:

    Conducive to hopelessness; depressing or bleak.


    "the Great Depression was a dark time;  the film was a dark psychological thriller"

  6. Dark as an adjective:

    Lacking progress in science or the arts; said of a time period.

  7. Dark as an adjective:

    With emphasis placed on the unpleasant aspects of life; said of a work of fiction, a work of nonfiction presented in narrative form or a portion of either.


    "The ending of this book is rather dark."

  1. Dark as a noun:

    A complete or (more often) partial absence of light.


    "'Dark surrounds us completely."

  2. Dark as a noun (uncountable):



    "We kept him in the dark."

    "The lawyer was left in the dark as to why the jury was dismissed."

  3. Dark as a noun (uncountable):



    "It was after dark before we got to playing baseball."

  4. Dark as a noun:

    A dark shade or dark passage in a painting, engraving, etc.

  1. Hopeless as an adjective:

    Without hope; despairing; not expecting anything positive.

  2. Hopeless as an adjective:

    Giving no ground of hope; promising nothing desirable; desperate.


    "a hopeless cause"

  3. Hopeless as an adjective:

    Without talent, not skilled


    "He's a hopeless writer, but can draw very well."

  4. Hopeless as an adjective (of an adverse condition):



    "She is a hopeless romantic."

    "He is a hopeless idler."