The difference between Cruise and Ease

When used as nouns, cruise means a sea or lake voyage, especially one taken for pleasure, whereas ease means ability, the means to do something, particularly: opportunity, chance. skill, dexterity, facility.

When used as verbs, cruise means to sail about, especially for pleasure, whereas ease means to free (something) from pain, worry, agitation, etc.

check bellow for the other definitions of Cruise and Ease

  1. Cruise as a noun:

    A sea or lake voyage, especially one taken for pleasure.

  2. Cruise as a noun (aeronautics):

    Portion of aircraft travel at a constant airspeed and altitude between ascent and descent phases.

  1. Cruise as a verb (intransitive):

    To sail about, especially for pleasure.

  2. Cruise as a verb (intransitive):

    To travel at constant speed for maximum operating efficiency.

  3. Cruise as a verb (transitive):

    To move about an area leisurely in the hope of discovering something, or looking for custom.

  4. Cruise as a verb (ambitransitive, forestry):

    To inspect (forest land) for the purpose of estimating the quantity of lumber it will yield.

  5. Cruise as a verb (transitive, colloquial):

    To actively seek a romantic partner or casual sexual partner by moving about a particular area; to troll.

  6. Cruise as a verb (intransitive, child development):

    To walk while holding on to an object (stage in development of ambulation, typically occurring at 10 months).

  7. Cruise as a verb (intransitive, sports):

    To win easily and convincingly.


    "Germany cruised to a World Cup victory over the short-handed Australians."

  1. Ease as a noun (obsolete):

    Ability, the means to do something, particularly: Opportunity, chance. Skill, dexterity, facility.


    "He played the ukelele with ease."

  2. Ease as a noun (pejorative, archaic):

    Comfort, a state or quality lacking unpleasantness, particularly: Freedom from pain, hardship, and annoyance, sometimes idleness, sloth. Freedom from worry and concern; peace; sometimes indifference. Freedom from difficulty. Freedom from effort, leisure, rest. Freedom from financial effort or worry; affluence. Freedom from embarrassment or awkwardness; grace.


    "She enjoyed the ease of living in a house where the servants did all the work."

    "The pension set her mind [[at ease at ease]]."

    "He passed all the exams with ease."

    "We took our ease on the patio."

    "His inheritance catapulted him into a life of ease."

    "She dealt with the faculty with combined authority and ease."

  3. Ease as a noun (euphemistic, obsolete):

    Relief, an end to discomfort, particularly: Followed by or : release from or reduction of pain, hardship, or annoyance. Release from intestinal discomfort: defecation. Release from constraint, obligation, or a constrained position. Additional space provided to allow greater movement.


    "Take one pill every 12 hours to provide ease from pain."

    "At ease, soldier!"

    "Add some ease to the waist measurement."

  4. Ease as a noun (obsolete):

    A convenience; a luxury.

  5. Ease as a noun (obsolete):

    A relief; an easement.

  1. Ease as a verb (transitive):

    To free (something) from pain, worry, agitation, etc.


    "He eased his conscience by confessing."

  2. Ease as a verb (transitive):

    To alleviate, assuage or lessen (pain).


    "He loosened his shoe to ease the pain."

  3. Ease as a verb (transitive):

    To give respite to (someone).


    "The provision of extra staff eased their workload."

  4. Ease as a verb (nautical, transitive):

    To loosen or slacken the tension on a line.


    "We eased the [[boom vang]], then lowered the sail."

  5. Ease as a verb (transitive):

    To reduce the difficulty of (something).


    "We had to ease the entry requirements."

  6. Ease as a verb (transitive):

    To move (something) slowly and carefully.


    "He eased the cork from the bottle."

  7. Ease as a verb (intransitive):

    To lessen in severity.


    "The pain eased overnight."

  8. Ease as a verb (intransitive):

    To proceed with little effort.


    "The car eased onto the motorway."