The difference between Cross and Pass over

When used as verbs, cross means to place across or athwart, whereas pass over means to bypass (something).

Cross is also noun with the meaning: a geometrical figure consisting of two straight lines or bars intersecting each other such that at least one of them is bisected by the other.

Cross is also preposition with the meaning: across.

Cross is also adjective with the meaning: transverse.

check bellow for the other definitions of Cross and Pass over

  1. Cross as a noun:

    A geometrical figure consisting of two straight lines or bars intersecting each other such that at least one of them is bisected by the other.


    "Put a cross for a wrong answer and a tick for a right one."

  2. Cross as a noun (heraldiccharge):

    Any geometric figure having this or a similar shape, such as a cross of Lorraine or a Maltese cross.

  3. Cross as a noun:

    A wooden post with a perpendicular beam attached and used (especially in the Roman Empire) to execute criminals (by crucifixion).


    "Criminals were commonly executed on a wooden cross."

  4. Cross as a noun:

    (usually with the) The cross on which Christ was crucified.

  5. Cross as a noun (Christianity):

    A hand gesture made in imitation of the shape of the Cross.


    "She made the cross after swearing."

  6. Cross as a noun (Christianity):

    A modified representation of the crucifixion stake, worn as jewellery or displayed as a symbol of religious devotion.


    "She was wearing a cross on her necklace."

  7. Cross as a noun:

    (figurative, from Christ's bearing of the cross) A difficult situation that must be endured.


    "It's a cross I must bear."

  8. Cross as a noun:

    The act of going across; the act of passing from one side to the other


    "A quick cross of the road."

  9. Cross as a noun (biology):

    An animal or plant produced by crossbreeding or cross-fertilization.

  10. Cross as a noun (by extension):

    A hybrid of any kind.

  11. Cross as a noun (boxing):

    A hook thrown over the opponent's punch.

  12. Cross as a noun (football):

    A pass in which the ball travels from by one touchline across the pitch.

  13. Cross as a noun:

    A place where roads intersect and lead off in four directions; a crossroad (common in UK and Irish place names such as Gerrards Cross).

  14. Cross as a noun:

    A monument that marks such a place. (Also common in UK or Irish place names such as Charing Cross)

  15. Cross as a noun (obsolete):

    A coin stamped with the figure of a cross, or that side of such a piece on which the cross is stamped; hence, money in general.

  16. Cross as a noun (obsolete, Ireland):

    Church lands.


    "rfquotek Sir J. Davies"

  17. Cross as a noun:

    A line drawn across or through another line.

  18. Cross as a noun (surveying):

    An instrument for laying of offsets perpendicular to the main course.

  19. Cross as a noun:

    A pipe-fitting with four branches whose axes usually form a right angle.

  20. Cross as a noun (Rubik's Cube):

     Four edge cubies of one side that are in their right places, forming the shape of a cross.

  21. Cross as a noun (cartomancy):

    The thirty-sixth Lenormand card.

  1. Cross as an adjective:

    Transverse; lying across the main direction.


    "At the end of each row were cross benches which linked the rows."

  2. Cross as an adjective (archaic):

    Opposite, opposed to.


    "His actions were perversely cross to his own happiness."

  3. Cross as an adjective (now, rare):

    Opposing, adverse; being contrary to what one would hope or wish for.

  4. Cross as an adjective:

    Bad-tempered, angry, annoyed.


    "She was rather cross about missing her train on the first day of the job."

    "Please don't get cross at me.'' (or) ''Please don't get cross with me."

  5. Cross as an adjective:

    Made in an opposite direction, or an inverse relation; mutually inverse; interchanged.


    "cross interrogatories"

    "cross marriages, as when a brother and sister marry persons standing in the same relation to each other"

  1. Cross as a preposition (archaic):



    "She walked cross the mountains."

  2. Cross as a preposition:

    cross product of the previous vector and the following vector.


    "The [[Lorentz force]] is q times v cross B."

  1. Cross as a verb (reflexive, to cross oneself):

    To make or form a cross. To place across or athwart; to cause to intersect. To lay or draw something across, such as a line. To mark with an X. To write lines at right angles. To make the sign of the cross over oneself.


    "She frowned and crossed her arms."

    "to cross the letter t"

    "'Cross the box which applies to you."

  2. Cross as a verb (transitive):

    To move relatively. To go from one side of (something) to the other. To travel in a direction or path that will intersect with that of another. To pass, as objects going in an opposite direction at the same time. Relative movement by a player or of players. # Of both batsmen, to pass each other when running between the wickets in order to score runs. # To pass the ball from one side of the pitch to the other side. # To score a try. #* {{quote-journal|lang=en|date=February 12, 2011|author=Mark Orlovac|work=BBC |title=[ England 59-13 Italy] |passage=England cut loose at the end of the half, Ashton, Mark Cueto and Mike Tindall all crossing before the break.}}


    "Why did the chicken cross the road?"

    "You need to cross the street at the lights."

    "Ships crossing from [[starboard]] have right-of-way."

    "He crossed the ball into the penalty area."

  3. Cross as a verb (social):

    To oppose. To contradict (another) or frustrate the plans of. To interfere and cut off; to debar. To conduct a cross examination; to question a hostile witness.


    "You'll rue the day you tried to cross me, Tom Hero!" bellowed the villain."

  4. Cross as a verb (biology):

    To cross-fertilize or crossbreed.


    "They managed to cross a sheep with a goat."

  5. Cross as a verb:

    To stamp or mark a cheque in such a way as to prevent it being cashed, thus requiring it to be deposited into a bank account.

  1. Pass over as a verb (transitive):

    To bypass (something); to skip (something).

  2. Pass over as a verb (transitive):

    To make a transit of; to pass through or across (something).

  3. Pass over as a verb (transitive):

    To fly over (something).

  4. Pass over as a verb (transitive):

    To overlook; not to note or resent.


    "to pass over an affront"

  5. Pass over as a verb (intransitive, euphemistic):

    To die and thus progress to the afterlife.