The difference between Cripple and Restrict

When used as verbs, cripple means to make someone a cripple, whereas restrict means to restrain within boundaries.

When used as adjectives, cripple means crippled, whereas restrict means restricted.

Cripple is also noun with the meaning: a person who has severely impaired physical abilities because of deformation, injury, or amputation of parts of the body.

check bellow for the other definitions of Cripple and Restrict

  1. Cripple as an adjective (now, _, rare, dated):


  1. Cripple as a noun (sometimes, _, offensive):

    a person who has severely impaired physical abilities because of deformation, injury, or amputation of parts of the body.


    "He returned from war a cripple."

  2. Cripple as a noun:

    A shortened wooden stud or brace used to construct the portion of a wall above a door or above and below a window.

  3. Cripple as a noun (dialect, Southern US, _, except Louisiana):


  4. Cripple as a noun (among lumbermen):

    A rocky shallow in a stream.

  1. Cripple as a verb:

    to make someone a cripple; to cause someone to become physically impaired


    "The car bomb crippled five passers-by."

  2. Cripple as a verb (figuratively):

    to damage seriously; to destroy


    "My ambitions were crippled by a lack of money."

  3. Cripple as a verb:

    to release a product (especially a computer program) with reduced functionality, in some cases, making the item essentially worthless.


    "The word processor was released in a crippled demonstration version that did not allow you to save."

  4. Cripple as a verb (informal):

    slang: to nerf (used in gaming) something which is overpowered .

  1. Restrict as a verb:

    To restrain within boundaries; to limit; to confine


    "After suffering diahrroea, the patient was restricted to a diet of rice, cold meat, and yoghurt."

  2. Restrict as a verb (specifically, mathematics):

    To consider (a function) as defined on a subset of its original domain.


    "If we restrict sine to <math>[-\frac\pi2,\frac\pi2]</math>, we can define its inverse."

  1. Restrict as an adjective (obsolete):
