The difference between Corresponding and Respective

When used as adjectives, corresponding means that have a similar relationship, whereas respective means relating to particular persons or things, each to each.

Corresponding is also noun with the meaning: a correspondence.

check bellow for the other definitions of Corresponding and Respective

  1. Corresponding as a verb:

  1. Corresponding as a noun:

    A correspondence; the situation where things correspond or match.

  1. Corresponding as an adjective:

    that have a similar relationship

  1. Respective as an adjective:

    Relating to particular persons or things, each to each; particular; own.


    "They returned to their respective places of abode."

  2. Respective as an adjective (obsolete):

    Noticing with attention; careful; wary.

  3. Respective as an adjective (obsolete):

    Looking toward; having reference to; relative, not absolute.


    "the respective connections of society"

  4. Respective as an adjective (obsolete):

    Fitted to awaken respect.

  5. Respective as an adjective (obsolete):

    Rendering respect; respectful; regardful.

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