The difference between Continuous and Disconnected

When used as adjectives, continuous means without stopping, whereas disconnected means that is no longer connected.

check bellow for the other definitions of Continuous and Disconnected

  1. Continuous as an adjective:

    Without stopping; without a break, cessation, or interruption


    "synonyms: nonstop"

    "a continuous current of electricity"

  2. Continuous as an adjective:

    Without intervening space; continued


    "synonyms: protracted extended"

    "a continuous line of railroad"

  3. Continuous as an adjective (botany):

    Not deviating or varying from uniformity; not interrupted; not joined or articulated.

  4. Continuous as an adjective (analysis, of a [[function]]):

    Such that, for every x in the domain, for each small open interval D about f(x), there's an interval containing x whose image is in D.

  5. Continuous as an adjective (mathematics, more generally, of a function between two [[topological space]]s):

    Such that each open set in the target space has an open preimage (in the domain space, with respect to the given function).


    "Each continuous function from the real line to the rationals is constant, since the rationals are totally disconnected."

  6. Continuous as an adjective (grammar):

    Expressing an ongoing action or state.

  1. Disconnected as a verb:


    "The phone company disconnected my DSL."

  1. Disconnected as an adjective:

    That is no longer connected.


    "There's no use trying to make a call on the disconnected phone."

  2. Disconnected as an adjective:

    Feeling a lack of empathy or association with something.


    "I just feel so disconnected from people living on the other side of the world."

  3. Disconnected as an adjective:

    Incoherent; disjointed.

  4. Disconnected as an adjective (mathematics, of a [[topological space]]):

    That can be partitioned into two nonempty subsets which are both open and closed.