The difference between Construct and Idea

When used as nouns, construct means something constructed from parts, whereas idea means an abstract archetype of a given thing, compared to which real-life examples are seen as imperfect approximations.

Construct is also verb with the meaning: to build or form (something) by assembling parts.

check bellow for the other definitions of Construct and Idea

  1. Construct as a noun:

    Something constructed from parts.


    "The artwork was a construct of wire and tubes."

    "Loops and conditional statements are constructs in computer programming."

  2. Construct as a noun:

    A concept or model.


    "Bohr's theoretical construct of the atom was soon superseded by quantum mechanics."

  3. Construct as a noun:

    (genetics) A segment of nucleic acid, created artificially, for transplantation into a target cell or tissue.

  1. Construct as a verb (transitive):

    To build or form (something) by assembling parts.


    "We constructed the radio from spares."

  2. Construct as a verb (transitive):

    To build (a sentence, an argument, etc.) by arranging words or ideas.


    "A sentence may be constructed with a subject, verb and object."

  3. Construct as a verb (transitive, geometry):

    To draw (a geometric figure) by following precise specifications and using geometric tools and techniques.


    "Construct a circle that touches each vertex of the given triangle."

  1. Idea as a noun (philosophy):

    An abstract archetype of a given thing, compared to which real-life examples are seen as imperfect approximations; pure essence, as opposed to actual examples.

  2. Idea as a noun (obsolete):

    The conception of someone or something as representing a perfect example; an ideal.

  3. Idea as a noun (obsolete):

    The form or shape of something; a quintessential aspect or characteristic.

  4. Idea as a noun:

    An image of an object that is formed in the mind or recalled by the memory.


    "The mere idea of you is enough to excite me."

  5. Idea as a noun:

    More generally, any result of mental activity; a thought, a notion; a way of thinking.

  6. Idea as a noun:

    A conception in the mind of something to be done; a plan for doing something, an .


    "I have an idea of how we might escape."

  7. Idea as a noun:

    A purposeful aim or goal; intent


    "If you keep sweet-talking her like that, you're going to talk her right out of her pants."

  8. Idea as a noun:

    A vague or fanciful ; a feeling or hunch; an impression.


    "He had the wild idea that if he leant forward a little, he might be able to touch the mountain-top."

  9. Idea as a noun (music):

    A musical theme or melodic subject.