The difference between Compulsory and Optional

When used as nouns, compulsory means something that is compulsory or required, whereas optional means something that is not compulsory, especially part of an academic course.

When used as adjectives, compulsory means required, whereas optional means not compulsory.

check bellow for the other definitions of Compulsory and Optional

  1. Compulsory as an adjective:

    Required; obligatory; mandatory.


    "The ten-dollar fee was compulsory."

  2. Compulsory as an adjective:

    Having the power of compulsion; constraining.


    "Such compulsory measures are limited."

  1. Compulsory as a noun:

    Something that is compulsory or required.

  1. Optional as an adjective:

    Not compulsory; left to personal choice; elective.


    "On that beach clothing is entirely optional."

  1. Optional as a noun:

    Something that is not compulsory, especially part of an academic course.

  2. Optional as a noun (programming):

    In the Swift programming language, a kind of variable that is assigned a specific data type but may or may not hold an actual value.

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