The difference between Compensate and Make whole

When used as verbs, compensate means to do (something good) after (something bad) happens, whereas make whole means to restore (someone) to a sound, healthy, or otherwise favorable condition.

check bellow for the other definitions of Compensate and Make whole

  1. Compensate as a verb:

    To do (something good) after (something bad) happens

  2. Compensate as a verb:

    To pay or reward someone in exchange for work done or some other consideration.


    "It is hard work, but they will compensate you well for it."

  3. Compensate as a verb (ambitransitive):

    To make up for; to do something in place of something else; to correct, satisfy; to reach an agreement such that the scales are literally or (metaphorically) balanced; to equalize or make even.


    "His loud voice cannot compensate for a lack of personality."

    "To compensate me for his tree landing on my shed, my neighbor paved my driveway."

  4. Compensate as a verb:

    To adjust or adapt to a change, often a harm or deprivation.


    "I don't like driving that old car because it always steers a little to the left so I'm forever compensating for that when I drive it. Trust me, it gets annoying real fast."

    "To compensate for his broken leg, Gary uses crutches."

  1. Make whole as a verb (transitive, set phrase):

    To restore (someone) to a sound, healthy, or otherwise favorable condition.

  2. Make whole as a verb (transitive, set phrase):

    To repair or restore (something).

  3. Make whole as a verb (transitive, finance, legal):

    To provide (someone), especially under the terms of a legal judgment or an agreement, with financial compensation for lost money or other lost assets.