The difference between Commonplace and Unremarkable

When used as adjectives, commonplace means ordinary, whereas unremarkable means not remarkable.

Commonplace is also noun with the meaning: a platitude or cliché.

Commonplace is also verb with the meaning: to make a commonplace book.

check bellow for the other definitions of Commonplace and Unremarkable

  1. Commonplace as an adjective:

    Ordinary; not having any remarkable characteristics.

  1. Commonplace as a noun:

    A platitude or cliché.

  2. Commonplace as a noun:

    Something that is ordinary.

  3. Commonplace as a noun:

    A memorandum; something to be frequently consulted or referred to.

  4. Commonplace as a noun:

    A commonplace book.

  1. Commonplace as a verb:

    To make a commonplace book.

  2. Commonplace as a verb:

    To enter in a commonplace book, or to reduce to general heads.

  3. Commonplace as a verb (obsolete):

    To utter commonplaces; to indulge in platitudes.


    "rfquotek Francis Bacon"

  1. Unremarkable as an adjective:

    Not remarkable.