The difference between Commonly and Friendly

When used as adverbs, commonly means as a rule, whereas friendly means in a friendly manner, like a friend.

Friendly is also noun with the meaning: a game which is of no consequence in terms of ranking, betting etc.

Friendly is also adjective with the meaning: generally warm, approachable and easy to relate with in character.

check bellow for the other definitions of Commonly and Friendly

  1. Commonly as an adverb:

    as a rule; frequently; usually

  2. Commonly as an adverb (obsolete):

    in common; familiarly

  1. Friendly as an adjective:

    Generally warm, approachable and easy to relate with in character.


    "Your cat seems very friendly."

  2. Friendly as an adjective:

    Inviting, characteristic of friendliness.


    "He gave a friendly smile."

  3. Friendly as an adjective:

    Having an easy or accepting relationship with something.


    "a user-friendly software program"

    "a dog-friendly café"

    "the use of [[environmentally friendly]] packaging"

  4. Friendly as an adjective:

    Without any hostility.


    "a friendly competition"

    "a friendly power or state"

  5. Friendly as an adjective:

    Promoting the good of any person; favourable; propitious.


    "a friendly breeze or gale"

  6. Friendly as an adjective (military):

    Of or pertaining to friendlies (friendly noun sense 2, below). Also applied to other bipolar confrontations, such as team sports


    "The soldier was killed by friendly fire."

  7. Friendly as an adjective (number theory):

    Being or relating to two or more natural numbers with a common abundancy.


    "friendly numbers;  friendly pairs;  friendly n-tuples"

  8. Friendly as an adjective (in compounds):

    Not damaging to, or compatible with (the compounded noun)


    "The cobbled streets aren't very bike-friendly."

    "Organic farms only use soil-friendly fertilisers."

    "Our sandwiches are made with dolphin-friendly tuna."

  1. Friendly as an adverb (archaic):

    In a friendly manner, like a friend.

  1. Friendly as a noun (sports):

    A game which is of no consequence in terms of ranking, betting etc.


    "Even as friendlies, derbies often arouse strong emotions"

  2. Friendly as a noun:

    A person or entity on the same side in a conflict.