The difference between Colleague and College
When used as nouns, colleague means a fellow member of a profession, staff, academic faculty or other organization, whereas college means a corporate group.
Colleague is also verb with the meaning: to unite or associate with another or with others.
check bellow for the other definitions of Colleague and College
Colleague as a noun:
A fellow member of a profession, staff, academic faculty or other organization; an associate.
Colleague as a verb:
To unite or associate with another or with others.
"Young Fortinbras,/ Holding a weak supposal of our worth/...Colleagued with the dream of his advantage,/...hath not failed to pester us with message/ Importing the surrender of those lands/Lost by his father.'' - ''Hamlet'' (Act I, Scene 2)"
College as a noun (obsolete):
A corporate group; a group of colleagues.
College as a noun (in some proper nouns):
A group sharing common purposes or goals.
"College of Cardinals'', ''College of Surgeons"
College as a noun (politics):
An electoral college.
College as a noun:
An academic institution.
College as a noun:
A specialized division of a university.
"College of Engineering"
College as a noun (chiefly, US):
An institution of higher education teaching undergraduates.
College as a noun (attributively, chiefly, US):
Attendance at an institution of higher education.
"These should be his college years, but he joined the Army."
College as a noun (Canada, Israel):
A postsecondary institution that offers vocational training and/or associate's degrees.
College as a noun (chiefly, UK):
A non-specialized, semi-autonomous division of a university, with its own faculty, departments, library, etc.
"Pembroke College, Cambridge''; ''Balliol College, Oxford''; ''University College, London"
College as a noun (UK):
An institution of further education at an intermediate level; sixth form.
College as a noun (UK):
An institution for adult education at a basic or intermediate level (teaching those of any age).
College as a noun (UK, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, South Africa):
A high school or secondary school.
"Eton College"
College as a noun (Australia):
A private (non-government) primary or high school.
College as a noun (Australia):
A residential hall associated with a university, possibly having its own tutors.
College as a noun (in Chile):
A bilingual school.