The difference between Closet and Sideboard

When used as nouns, closet means any private area, particularly bowers in the open air, whereas sideboard means a piece of dining room furniture having drawers and shelves for linen and tableware.

Closet is also verb with the meaning: to shut away for private discussion.

Closet is also adjective with the meaning: private.

check bellow for the other definitions of Closet and Sideboard

  1. Closet as a noun (obsolete):

    Any private area, particularly bowers in the open air.

  2. Closet as a noun (now, rare):

    Any private or inner room, particularly: A private room used by women to groom and dress themselves. A private room used for prayer or other devotions. A place of (usually fanciful) contemplation and theorizing. The private residence or private council chamber of a monarch.

  3. Closet as a noun (obsolete):

    A pew or side-chapel reserved for a monarch or other feudal lord.

  4. Closet as a noun (obsolete):

    A private cabinet, particularly: One used to store valuables. One used to store curiosities. One used to store food or other household supplies: a cupboard. A secret or hiding place, particularly the hiding place in English idioms such as and .


    "The closet can be a scary place for a gay teenager."

    "He's so far in the closet, he can w The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe see Narnia."

  5. Closet as a noun (now, chiefly, Scotland, Ireland):

    Any small room or side-room, particularly: One intended for storing clothes or bedclothes. or later water closet: a room containing a toilet.

  6. Closet as a noun (heraldry):

    An ordinary similar to a bar but half as broad.

  7. Closet as a noun (Scotland, obsolete):

    A sewer.

  1. Closet as an adjective (obsolete):


  2. Closet as an adjective:

    Secret, especially with reference to gay people who are ; closeted.


    "He's a [[closet case closet case]]."

  1. Closet as a verb (transitive):

    To shut away for private discussion.


    "The ambassador has been closeted with the prime minister all afternoon. We're all worried what will be announced when they exit."

  2. Closet as a verb (transitive):

    To put into a private place for a secret interview or interrogation.

  3. Closet as a verb (transitive):

    To shut up in, or as in, a closet for concealment or confinement.

  1. Sideboard as a noun (furniture):

    A piece of dining room furniture having drawers and shelves for linen and tableware; originally for serving food.


    "synonyms: buffet cupboard q2=obsolete"

  2. Sideboard as a noun:

    A board that forms part of the side of something.

  3. Sideboard as a noun (in the plural, chiefly, British):


  4. Sideboard as a noun (collectible card games):

    A set of cards that are separate from a player's primary deck, used to customize a match strategy against an opponent by enabling a player to change the composition of the playing deck.