The difference between Chastise and Punish

When used as verbs, chastise means to punish or scold someone, whereas punish means to cause to suffer for crime or misconduct, to administer disciplinary action.

check bellow for the other definitions of Chastise and Punish

  1. Chastise as a verb:

    To punish or scold someone.

  1. Punish as a verb (transitive):

    To cause to suffer for crime or misconduct, to administer disciplinary action.


    "synonyms: castigate"

    "If a prince violates the law, then he must be punished like an ordinary person."

  2. Punish as a verb (transitive, figuratively):

    To treat harshly and unfairly.


    "synonyms: mistreat"

  3. Punish as a verb (transitive, colloquial):

    To handle or beat severely; to maul.

  4. Punish as a verb (transitive, colloquial):

    To consume a large quantity of.

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