The difference between Chase and Dog

When used as nouns, chase means the act of one who chases another, whereas dog means a mammal, canis lupus familiaris, that has been domesticated for thousands of years, of highly variable appearance due to human breeding.

When used as verbs, chase means to follow at speed, whereas dog means to pursue with the intent to catch.

check bellow for the other definitions of Chase and Dog

  1. Chase as a noun:

    The act of one who chases another; a pursuit.

  2. Chase as a noun:

    A hunt.

  3. Chase as a noun (uncountable):

    A children's game where one player chases another.

  4. Chase as a noun (British):

    A large country estate where game may be shot or hunted.

  5. Chase as a noun:

    Anything being chased, especially a vessel in time of war.

  6. Chase as a noun (nautical):

    Any of the guns that fire directly ahead or astern; either a bow chase or stern chase.

  7. Chase as a noun ([[real tennis]]):

    The occurrence of a second bounce by the ball in certain areas of the court, giving the server the chance, later in the game, to "play off" the chase from the receiving end and possibly win the point.

  8. Chase as a noun ([[real tennis]]):

    A division of the floor of a gallery, marked by a figure or otherwise; the spot where a ball falls, and between which and the dedans the adversary must drive the ball in order to gain a point.

  9. Chase as a noun (cycling):

    One or more riders who are ahead of the peloton and trying to join the race or stage leaders.

  1. Chase as a verb (transitive):

    To pursue. To follow at speed. To hunt. To seek to attain. seek the company of (a member of the opposite sex) in an obvious way. To pursue a vessel in order to destroy, capture or interrogate her.


    "the team are chasing their first home win this season."

    "He spends all his free time chasing girls."

  2. Chase as a verb (transitive):

    To dilute alcohol.


    "Chase vodka with orange juice to make a screwdriver."

  3. Chase as a verb (transitive, cricket):

    To attempt to win by scoring the required number of runs in the final innings.


    "Australia will be chasing 217 for victory on the final day."

  4. Chase as a verb (transitive, baseball):

    To swing at a pitch outside of the strike zone, typically an outside pitch


    "Jones chases one out of the [[zone]] for strike two."

  5. Chase as a verb (transitive, baseball):

    To produce enough offense to cause the pitcher to be removed


    "The rally chased the starter."

  1. Chase as a noun (printing):

    A rectangular steel or iron frame into which pages or columns of type are locked for printing or plate-making.

  1. Chase as a noun:

    A groove cut in an object; a slot: the chase for the quarrel on a crossbow.

  2. Chase as a noun ([[architecture]]):

    A trench or channel or other encasement structure for encasing (archaically spelled enchasing) drainpipes or wiring; a hollow space in the wall of a building encasing ventilation ducts, chimney flues, wires, cables or plumbing.

  3. Chase as a noun:

    The part of a gun in front of the trunnions.

  4. Chase as a noun:

    The cavity of a mold.

  5. Chase as a noun (shipbuilding):

    A kind of joint by which an overlap joint is changed to a flush joint by means of a gradually deepening rabbet, as at the ends of clinker-built boats.

  1. Chase as a verb (transitive):

    To groove; indent.

  2. Chase as a verb (transitive):

    To place piping or wiring in a groove encased within a wall or floor, or in a hidden space encased by a wall (chase the pipe)

  3. Chase as a verb (transitive):

    To cut (the thread of a screw).

  4. Chase as a verb (transitive):

    To decorate (metal) by engraving or embossing.

  1. Dog as a noun:

    A mammal, Canis lupus familiaris, that has been domesticated for thousands of years, of highly variable appearance due to human breeding.


    "The dog barked all night long."

  2. Dog as a noun:

    A male dog, wolf or fox, as opposed to a bitch (often attributive).

  3. Dog as a noun (slang, derogatory):

    A dull, unattractive girl or woman.


    "She’s a real dog."

  4. Dog as a noun (slang):

    A man (derived from definition 2).


    "You lucky dog!"

    "He's a silly dog."

  5. Dog as a noun (slang, derogatory):

    A coward.


    "Come back and fight, you dogs!"

  6. Dog as a noun (derogatory):

    Someone who is morally reprehensible.


    "You dirty dog."

  7. Dog as a noun (slang):

    A sexually aggressive man (cf. horny).

  8. Dog as a noun:

    Any of various mechanical devices for holding, gripping, or fastening something, particularly with a tooth-like projection.

  9. Dog as a noun:

    A click or pallet adapted to engage the teeth of a ratchet-wheel, to restrain the back action; a click or pawl. (See also: ratchet, windlass)

  10. Dog as a noun:

    A metal support for logs in a fireplace.


    "The dogs were too hot to touch."

  11. Dog as a noun (cartomancy):

    The eighteenth Lenormand card.

  12. Dog as a noun:

    A hot dog.

  13. Dog as a noun (poker, _, slang):


  14. Dog as a noun (slang, almost always, _, in the plural):



    "uxi My dogs are barking! My feet hurt!"

  15. Dog as a noun (Cockney rhyming slang):

    (from "dog and bone") Phone or mobile phone.


    "My dog is dead. My mobile-phone battery has run out of charge and is no longer able to function."

  16. Dog as a noun:

    One of the cones used to divide up a racetrack when training horses.

  1. Dog as a verb (transitive):

    To pursue with the intent to catch.

  2. Dog as a verb (transitive):

    To follow in an annoying or harassing way.


    "The woman cursed him so that trouble would dog his every step."

  3. Dog as a verb (transitive, nautical):

    To fasten a hatch securely.


    "It is very important to dog down these hatches..."

  4. Dog as a verb (intransitive, emerging usage in, _, British):

    To watch, or participate, in sexual activity in a public place.


    "I admit that I like to dog at my local country park."

  5. Dog as a verb (intransitive, transitive):

    To intentionally restrict one's productivity as employee; to work at the slowest rate that goes unpunished.


    "A surprise inspection of the night shift found that some workers were dogging it."