The difference between Certainly and Damn right

When used as adverbs, certainly means in a way which is certain, whereas damn right means expresses enthusiastic support or opposition, agreement or disagreement, certainty or emphasis.

check bellow for the other definitions of Certainly and Damn right

  1. Certainly as an adverb:

    In a way which is certain; with certainty.

  2. Certainly as an adverb:

    Without doubt, surely.


    "The accident was certainly caused by human error."

    "That was certainly sweet of him."

    "You may certainly join us for dinner."

  3. Certainly as an adverb:

    An emphatic affirmative answer; of course.


    "Would you like it with ice?  Certainly, and with lemon please."

  1. Damn right as an adverb (idiomatic):

    Expresses enthusiastic support or opposition, agreement or disagreement, certainty or emphasis.