The difference between Castigate and Lambaste

When used as verbs, castigate means to punish or reprimand someone severely, whereas lambaste means to scold, reprimand or criticize harshly.

check bellow for the other definitions of Castigate and Lambaste

  1. Castigate as a verb (transitive, formal):

    To punish or reprimand someone severely.

  2. Castigate as a verb (transitive, formal):

    To execrate or condemn something in a harsh manner, especially by public criticism.

  3. Castigate as a verb (transitive, rare):

    To revise or make corrections to a publication.

  1. Lambaste as a verb:

    To scold, reprimand or criticize harshly.


    "synonyms: berate scold tell off Thesaurus:criticize"

    "The sergeant lambasted the new recruits daily."

    "Her first novel was well and truly lambasted by the critics."

  2. Lambaste as a verb (dated):

    To give a thrashing to; to beat severely.


    "synonyms: beat hit thrash Thesaurus:hit"