The difference between Cartload and Wagonload

When used as nouns, cartload means the amount that a cart can carry, whereas wagonload means the amount that can be loaded onto a wagon.

check bellow for the other definitions of Cartload and Wagonload

  1. Cartload as a noun:

    The amount that a cart can carry.

  2. Cartload as a noun (by extension):

    Any large amount.

  3. Cartload as a noun (historical, specifically):

    A load: various English units of weight or volume based upon standardized cartloads of certain commodities.

  1. Wagonload as a noun:

    The amount that can be loaded onto a wagon.

  2. Wagonload as a noun:

    The load of a wagon.

  3. Wagonload as a noun (railways):

    A type of freight train service in which individual wagons have separate destinations and/or cargos.

  4. Wagonload as a noun (informal):

    A very large amount.

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