The difference between Burden and Imposition

When used as nouns, burden means a heavy load, whereas imposition means the act of imposing, laying on, affixing, enjoining, inflicting, obtruding, and the like.

Burden is also verb with the meaning: to encumber with a literal or figurative burden.

check bellow for the other definitions of Burden and Imposition

  1. Burden as a noun:

    A heavy load.

  2. Burden as a noun:

    A responsibility, onus.

  3. Burden as a noun:

    A cause of worry; that which is grievous, wearisome, or oppressive.

  4. Burden as a noun:

    The capacity of a vessel, or the weight of cargo that she will carry.


    "a ship of a hundred tons burden"

  5. Burden as a noun (mining):

    The tops or heads of stream-work which lie over the stream of tin.

  6. Burden as a noun (metalworking):

    The proportion of ore and flux to fuel, in the charge of a blast furnace.


    "rfquotek Raymond"

  7. Burden as a noun:

    A fixed quantity of certain commodities.


    "A burden of gad steel is 120 pounds."

  8. Burden as a noun (obsolete, rare):

    A birth.


    "... that bore thee at a burden two fair sons."

  9. Burden as a noun (medicine):

    The total amount of toxins, parasites, cancer cells, plaque or similar present in an organism.

  1. Burden as a verb (transitive):

    To encumber with a literal or figurative burden.


    "to burden a nation with taxes"

  2. Burden as a verb (transitive):

    To impose, as a load or burden; to lay or place as a burden (something heavy or objectionable).

  1. Burden as a noun (music):

    A phrase or theme that recurs at the end of each verse in a folk song or ballad.

  2. Burden as a noun:

    The drone of a bagpipe.


    "rfquotek Ruddiman"

  3. Burden as a noun (obsolete):

    Theme, core idea.

  1. Imposition as a noun:

    The act of imposing, laying on, affixing, enjoining, inflicting, obtruding, and the like.

  2. Imposition as a noun:

    That which is imposed, levied, or enjoined.

  3. Imposition as a noun:

    An excessive, arbitrary, or unlawful exaction; hence, a trick or deception put or laid on others.

  4. Imposition as a noun (printing):

    Arrangement of a printed product's pages on the printer's sheet so as to have the pages in proper order in the final product.

  5. Imposition as a noun (religion):

    A practice of laying hands on a person in a religious ceremony; used e.g. in confirmation and ordination.

  6. Imposition as a noun (UK):

    A task imposed on a student as punishment.