The difference between Bugbear and Pet peeve

When used as nouns, bugbear means an ongoing problem, whereas pet peeve means something that is personally annoying.

Bugbear is also verb with the meaning: to alarm with idle phantoms.

check bellow for the other definitions of Bugbear and Pet peeve

  1. Bugbear as a noun:

    An ongoing problem; a recurring obstacle or adversity.

  2. Bugbear as a noun:

    A source of dread; resentment; or irritation.


    "synonyms: pet peeve"

  3. Bugbear as a noun (archaic):

    An imaginary creature meant to inspire fear in children.


    "synonyms: goblin"

  1. Bugbear as a verb (transitive):

    To alarm with idle phantoms.

  1. Pet peeve as a noun:

    Something that is personally annoying; a personal dislike.


    "Ending questions with a period is one of my pet peeves."

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