The difference between Broad-minded and Flexible

When used as adjectives, broad-minded means having an open mind, whereas flexible means capable of being flexed or bent without breaking.

Flexible is also noun with the meaning: something that is flexible.

check bellow for the other definitions of Broad-minded and Flexible

  1. Broad-minded as an adjective:

    Having an open mind; tolerant of diversity.

  1. Flexible as an adjective:

    Capable of being flexed or bent without breaking; able to be turned or twisted without breaking.


    "synonyms: pliable"

    "ant stiff brittle inflexible"

    "When the splitting wind Makes flexible the knees of knotted oaks.'' -[[w:William Shakespeare William Shakespeare]]"

  2. Flexible as an adjective:

    Willing or prone to give way to the influence of others; not invincibly rigid or obstinate.


    "synonyms: tractable manageable ductile"

    "Phocion was a man of great severity, and no ways flexible to the will of the people.'' - [[w:Francis Bacon Francis Bacon]]."

    "Women are soft, mild, pitiful, and flexible.'' - [[w:William Shakespeare William Shakespeare]]"

  3. Flexible as an adjective:

    Capable or being adapted or molded in some way.


    "synonyms: plastic malleable"

    "a flexible language"

    "This was a principle more flexible to their purpose.'' -Rogers."

  1. Flexible as a noun (chiefly, engineering, and, manufacturing):

    Something that is flexible.