The difference between Bounce and Bounce back

When used as verbs, bounce means to change the direction of motion after hitting an obstacle, whereas bounce back means to recover from a negative without seemingly any damage.

Bounce is also noun with the meaning: a change of direction of motion after hitting the ground or an obstacle.

check bellow for the other definitions of Bounce and Bounce back

  1. Bounce as a verb (intransitive):

    To change the direction of motion after hitting an obstacle.


    "The tennis ball bounced off the wall before coming to rest in the ditch."

  2. Bounce as a verb (intransitive):

    To move quickly up and then down, or vice versa, once or repeatedly.


    "He bounces nervously on his chair."

  3. Bounce as a verb (transitive):

    To cause to move quickly up and down, or back and forth, once or repeatedly.


    "He bounced the child on his knee."

    "The children were bouncing a ball against a wall."

  4. Bounce as a verb (transitive, colloquial):

    To suggest or introduce (an idea, etc.) to (off or by) somebody, in order to gain feedback.


    "I'm meeting Bob later to bounce some ideas off him about the new product range."

  5. Bounce as a verb (intransitive):

    To leap or spring suddenly or unceremoniously; to bound.


    "She bounced happily into the room."

  6. Bounce as a verb:

    To move rapidly (between).

  7. Bounce as a verb (intransitive, informal, of a [[cheque]]/[[check]]):

    To be refused by a bank because it is drawn on insufficient funds.


    "We can’t accept further checks from you, as your last one bounced."

  8. Bounce as a verb (transitive, informal):

    To fail to cover (a draft presented against one's account).


    "He tends to bounce a check or two toward the end of each month, before his payday."

  9. Bounce as a verb (intransitive, slang):

    To leave.


    "Let’s wrap this up, I gotta bounce."

  10. Bounce as a verb (US, slang, dated):

    To eject violently, as from a room; to discharge unceremoniously, as from employment.

  11. Bounce as a verb (intransitive, slang, African American Vernacular English):

    (sometimes employing the preposition with) To have sexual intercourse.

  12. Bounce as a verb (transitive, air combat):

    To attack unexpectedly.


    "The squadron was bounced north of the town."

  13. Bounce as a verb (intransitive, electronics):

    To turn power off and back on; to reset


    "See if it helps to bounce the router."

  14. Bounce as a verb (intransitive, Internet, of an [[e-mail]] message or address):

    To return undelivered.


    "What’s your new email address? The old one bounces."

    "The girl in the bar told me her address was, but my mail to that address bounced back to me."

  15. Bounce as a verb (intransitive, aviation):

    To land hard and lift off again due to excess momentum.


    "The student pilot bounced several times during his landing."

  16. Bounce as a verb (intransitive, skydiving):

    To land hard at unsurvivable velocity with fatal results.


    "After the mid-air collision, his rig failed and he bounced. BSBD."

  17. Bounce as a verb (transitive, sound recording):

    To mix (two or more tracks of a multi-track audio tape recording) and record the result onto a single track, in order to free up tracks for further material to be added.


    "Bounce tracks two and three to track four, then record the cowbell on track two."

  18. Bounce as a verb (slang, dated):

    To bully; to scold.


    "rfquotek J. Fletcher"

  19. Bounce as a verb (archaic):

    To strike or thump, so as to rebound, or to make a sudden noise; to knock loudly.

  20. Bounce as a verb (archaic):

    To boast; to bluster.

  1. Bounce as a noun:

    A change of direction of motion after hitting the ground or an obstacle.

  2. Bounce as a noun:

    A movement up and then down (or vice versa), once or repeatedly.

  3. Bounce as a noun:

    An email return with any error.

  4. Bounce as a noun:

    The sack, licensing.

  5. Bounce as a noun:

    A bang, boom.

  6. Bounce as a noun:

    A drink based on brandy.

  7. Bounce as a noun:

    A heavy, sudden, and often noisy, blow or thump.

  8. Bounce as a noun:

    Bluster; brag; untruthful boasting; audacious exaggeration; an impudent lie; a bouncer.


    "rfquotek Johnson"

    "rfquotek De Quincey"

  9. Bounce as a noun:

    Scyllium catulus, a European dogfish.

  10. Bounce as a noun:

    A genre of New Orleans music.

  11. Bounce as a noun (slang, African American Vernacular English):


  12. Bounce as a noun (slang, African American Vernacular English):


  13. Bounce as a noun (slang, African American Vernacular English):

    A 'good' beat.

  14. Bounce as a noun (slang, African American Vernacular English):

    A talent for leaping.


    "Them pro-[[baller ballers]] got bounce!"

  1. Bounce back as a verb (idiomatic):

    To recover from a negative without seemingly any damage.


    "We thought he'd die from the crash, but he bounced back to normal after 10 days in hospital."

  2. Bounce back as a verb (of a message, usually an email):

    To be returned to the sender because it is undeliverable.