The difference between Bottom line and Upshot

When used as nouns, bottom line means the final balance, whereas upshot means a concise summary.

check bellow for the other definitions of Bottom line and Upshot

  1. Bottom line as a noun (accounting):

    The final balance; the amount of money or profit left after everything has been tallied.

  2. Bottom line as a noun (idiomatic, uncountable):

    The summary or result; the most important information


    "The bottom line is that there simply are not enough hours in the day to finish all there is to do."

    "synonyms: upshot net-net"

  1. Upshot as a noun (US):

    A concise summary.


    "I'm not interested in hearing all the details. Just give me the upshot."

  2. Upshot as a noun:

    The final result, or outcome of something.


    "The upshot was, that they had to get married."