The difference between Body and Foot

When used as nouns, body means the physical structure of a human or animal seen as one single organism, whereas foot means a biological structure found in many animals that is used for locomotion and that is frequently a separate organ at the terminal part of the leg.

When used as verbs, body means to give body or shape to something, whereas foot means to use the foot to kick (usually a ball).

check bellow for the other definitions of Body and Foot

  1. Body as a noun (archaic, or, informal, _, except in compounds):

    Physical frame. The physical structure of a human or animal seen as one single organism. The fleshly or corporeal nature of a human, as opposed to the spirit or soul. A corpse. A person.


    "I saw them walking from a distance, their bodies strangely angular in the dawn light."

    "The body is driven by desires, but the soul is at peace."

    "Her body was found at four o'clock, just two hours after the murder."

    "What's a body gotta do to get a drink around here?"

  2. Body as a noun (archaic):

    Main section. The torso, the main structure of a human or animal frame excluding the extremities (limbs, head, tail). The largest or most important part of anything, as distinct from its appendages or accessories. The section of a dress extending from the neck to the waist, excluding the arms. The content of a letter, message, or other printed or electronic document, as distinct from signatures, salutations, headers, and so on. A bodysuit. The code of a subroutine, contrasted to its signature and parameters.


    "The boxer took a blow to the body."

    "The bumpers and front tyres were ruined, but the body of the car was in remarkable shape."

    "Penny was in the scullery, pressing the body of her new dress."

    "In many programming languages, the method body is enclosed in braces."

  3. Body as a noun:

    Coherent group. A group of people having a common purpose or opinion; a mass. An organisation, company or other authoritative group. A unified collection of details, knowledge or information.


    "I was escorted from the building by a body of armed security guards."

    "The local train operating company is the managing body for this section of track."

    "We have now amassed a body of evidence which points to one conclusion."

  4. Body as a noun (uncountable):

    Material entity. Any physical object or material thing. Substance; physical presence. Comparative viscosity, solidity or substance (in wine, colours etc.). An agglomeration of some substance, especially one that would be otherwise uncountable.


    "All bodies are held together by internal forces."

    "We have given body to what was just a vague idea."

    "The red wine, sadly, lacked body."

    "The English Channel is a body of water lying between Great Britain and France."

  5. Body as a noun (printing):

    The shank of a type, or the depth of the shank (by which the size is indicated).


    "a nonpareil face on an agate body"

  6. Body as a noun (geometry):

    A three-dimensional object, such as a cube or cone.

  1. Body as a verb:

    To give body or shape to something.

  2. Body as a verb:

    To construct the bodywork of a car.

  3. Body as a verb (transitive):

    To embody.

  4. Body as a verb (transitive, slang, African American Vernacular English):

    To murder someone.

  5. Body as a verb (transitive, slang, African American Vernacular English, by extension):

    To utterly defeat someone.

  6. Body as a verb (transitive, slang, video gaming):

    to hard counter a particular character build or play style. Frequently used in the passive voice form, get bodied by.

  1. Foot as a noun (countable):

    A biological structure found in many animals that is used for locomotion and that is frequently a separate organ at the terminal part of the leg.


    "A spider has eight feet."

  2. Foot as a noun (countable, anatomy):

    Specifically, a human foot, which is found below the ankle and is used for standing and walking.


    "Southern Italy is shaped like a foot."

  3. Foot as a noun (uncountable, often used attributively):

    Travel by walking.


    "We went there by foot because we could not afford a taxi."

    "There is a lot of foot traffic on this street."

  4. Foot as a noun (countable):

    The base or bottom of anything.


    "I'll meet you at the foot of the stairs."

  5. Foot as a noun (countable):

    The part of a flat surface on which the feet customarily rest.


    "We came and stood at the foot of the bed."

  6. Foot as a noun (countable):

    The end of a rectangular table opposite the head.


    "The host should sit at the foot of the table."

  7. Foot as a noun (countable):

    A short foot-like projection on the bottom of an object to support it.


    "The feet of the stove hold it a safe distance above the floor."

  8. Foot as a noun (countable):

    A unit of measure equal to twelve inches or one third of a yard, equal to exactly 30.48 centimetres.


    "The flag pole at the local high school is about 20 feet high."

  9. Foot as a noun (countable, music):

    A unit of measure for organ pipes equal to the wavelength of two octaves above middle C, approximately 328 mm.

  10. Foot as a noun (military, collective):

    Foot soldiers; infantry.


    "King John went to battle with ten thousand foot and one thousand horse."

  11. Foot as a noun (countable, cigars):

    The end of a cigar which is lit, and usually cut before lighting.

  12. Foot as a noun (countable, sewing):

    The part of a sewing machine which presses downward on the fabric, and may also serve to move it forward.

  13. Foot as a noun (countable, printing):

    The bottommost part of a typed or printed page.

  14. Foot as a noun (printing):

    The base of a piece of type, forming the sides of the groove.

  15. Foot as a noun (countable, prosody):

    The basic measure of rhythm in a poem.

  16. Foot as a noun (countable, phonology):

    The parsing of syllables into prosodic constituents, which are used to determine the placement of stress in languages along with the notions of constituent heads.

  17. Foot as a noun (countable, nautical):

    The bottom edge of a sail.


    "To make the mainsail fuller in shape, the outhaul is eased to reduce the tension on the foot of the sail."

  18. Foot as a noun (countable, billiards):

    The end of a billiard or pool table behind the foot point where the balls are racked.

  19. Foot as a noun (countable, botany):

    In a bryophyte, that portion of a sporophyte which remains embedded within and attached to the parent gametophyte plant.

  20. Foot as a noun (countable, malacology):

    The muscular part of a bivalve mollusc or a gastropod by which it moves or holds its position on a surface.

  21. Foot as a noun (countable, molecular biology):

    The globular lower domain of a protein.

  22. Foot as a noun (countable, geometry):

    The point of intersection of one line with another that is perpendicular to it.

  23. Foot as a noun:

    Fundamental principle; basis; plan.

  24. Foot as a noun:

    Recognized condition; rank; footing.

  1. Foot as a verb (transitive):

    To use the foot to kick (usually a ball).

  2. Foot as a verb (transitive):

    To pay (a bill).

  3. Foot as a verb:

    To tread to measure or music; to dance; to trip; to skip.


    "rfquotek Dryden"

  4. Foot as a verb:

    To walk.


    "rfquotek Shakespeare"

  5. Foot as a verb:

    To tread.


    "to foot the green"

    "rfquotek Tickell"

  6. Foot as a verb (obsolete):

    To set on foot; to establish; to land.

  7. Foot as a verb:

    To renew the foot of (a stocking, etc.).


    "rfquotek Shakespeare"

  8. Foot as a verb:

    To sum up, as the numbers in a column; sometimes with up.


    "to foot (or foot up) an account"