The difference between Blank and Dud

When used as nouns, blank means a cartridge that is designed to simulate the noise and smoke of real gunfire without actually firing a projectile, whereas dud means a device or machine that is useless because it does not work properly or has failed to work, such as a bomb, or explosive projectile.

Blank is also verb with the meaning: to make void.

Blank is also adjective with the meaning: white or pale.

check bellow for the other definitions of Blank and Dud

  1. Blank as an adjective (archaic):

    White or pale; without colour.

  2. Blank as an adjective:

    Free from writing, printing, or marks; having an empty space to be filled in


    "blank paper"

    "a blank check"

    "a blank ballot"

  3. Blank as an adjective (sports):

    Scoreless; without any goals or points.

  4. Blank as an adjective (figurative):

    Lacking characteristics which give variety; uniform.


    "a blank desert; a blank wall; blank unconsciousness"

  5. Blank as an adjective:

    Absolute; downright; sheer.


    "There was a look of blank terror on his face."

  6. Blank as an adjective:

    Without expression.


    "Failing to understand the question, he gave me a blank stare."

  7. Blank as an adjective:

    Utterly confounded or discomfited.

  8. Blank as an adjective:

    Empty; void; without result; fruitless.


    "a blank day"

  9. Blank as an adjective:

    Devoid of thoughts, memory, or inspiration.


    "The shock left his memory blank."

  10. Blank as an adjective (military):

    Of ammunition: having propellant but no bullets; unbulleted.


    "The recruits were issued with blank rounds for a training exercise."

  1. Blank as a noun:

    A cartridge that is designed to simulate the noise and smoke of real gunfire without actually firing a projectile.

  2. Blank as a noun:

    An physical empty space; a void, for example on a paper

  3. Blank as a noun:

    An empty space in one's memory; a forgotten item or memory

  4. Blank as a noun:

    A space to be filled in on a form or template.


    "Write your answers in the blanks."

  5. Blank as a noun:

    A paper without marks or characters, or with space left for writing; a ballot, form, contract, etc. that has not yet been filled in.

  6. Blank as a noun:

    A lot by which nothing is gained; a ticket in a lottery on which no prize is indicated.

  7. Blank as a noun (archaic, historical):

    A kind of base silver money, first coined in England by Henry V., and worth about 8 pence

  8. Blank as a noun (archaic, historical):

    a French coin of the seventeenth century, worth about 4 pence.


    "rfquotek Nares"

  9. Blank as a noun (engineering):

    A piece of metal prepared to be made into something by a further operation, such as a coin, screw, nuts.

  10. Blank as a noun (dominoes):

    A domino without spots


    "the double blank"

    "the six blank"

  11. Blank as a noun:

    The space character; the character resulting from pressing the space-bar on a keyboard.

  12. Blank as a noun:

    The point aimed at in a target, marked with a white spot

  13. Blank as a noun (figuratively):

    The object to which anything is directed or aimed.

  14. Blank as a noun:

    Aim; shot; range.

  15. Blank as a noun (chemistry):

    A sample for a control experiment that does not contain any of the analyte of interest, in order to deliberately produce a non-detection to verify that a detection is distinguishable from it.

  1. Blank as a verb (transitive):

    To make void; to erase.


    "I blanked out my previous entry."

  2. Blank as a verb (transitive, slang):

    To ignore (a person) deliberately.


    "She blanked me for no reason."

  3. Blank as a verb (transitive):

    To prevent from scoring, for example in a sporting event.


    "The team was blanked."

    "England blanks Wales to advance to the final."

  4. Blank as a verb (intransitive):

    To become blank.

  5. Blank as a verb (intransitive):

    To be temporarily unable to remember.


    "I'm blanking on her name right now."

  1. Dud as a noun (informal):

    A device or machine that is useless because it does not work properly or has failed to work, such as a bomb, or explosive projectile.

  2. Dud as a noun (informal):

    A failure of any kind.

  3. Dud as a noun:

    A lottery ticket that does not give a payout.

  4. Dud as a noun (obsolete, informal):

    Clothes, now always used in plural form .

  5. Dud as a noun:

    A loser, an unlucky person

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