The difference between Beauty product and Makeup

When used as nouns, beauty product means an item of cosmetics, whereas makeup means an item's composition.

check bellow for the other definitions of Beauty product and Makeup

  1. Beauty product as a noun:

    An item of cosmetics; a material or device for the purpose of enhancing physical attractiveness.

  1. Makeup as a noun (uncountable):

    An item's composition.


    "To understand how a nuclear reactor works, we must first look at its makeup."

  2. Makeup as a noun (uncountable):

    Cosmetics; colorants and other substances applied to the skin to alter its appearance.


    "She is wearing a lot of makeup."

  3. Makeup as a noun (manufacturing):

    Replacement; material used to make up for the amount that has been used up.

  4. Makeup as a noun (education):

    A test given to students allowing them to repeat failed material.