The difference between Bawd and Brothel-keeper
When used as nouns, bawd means a person who keeps a house of prostitution, or procures women for prostitution, whereas brothel-keeper means a person (male or female) who keeps a (, , , , ), either legally or illegally.
Bawd is also verb with the meaning: to procure women for lewd purposes.
Bawd is also adjective with the meaning: joyous.
check bellow for the other definitions of Bawd and Brothel-keeper
Bawd as a noun (now, _, archaic, _, or, _, historical):
A person who keeps a house of prostitution, or procures women for prostitution; a procurer, a madame.
Bawd as a noun:
A lewd person.
Bawd as an adjective (obsolete):
Joyous; riotously gay.
Bawd as a verb (archaic):
To procure women for lewd purposes.
Brothel-keeper as a noun:
A person (male or female) who keeps a (, , , , ), either legally or illegally.