The difference between Bass and Contralto

When used as nouns, bass means a low spectrum of sound tones, whereas contralto means the lowest female voice or voice part, falling between tenor and mezzo-soprano. the terms contralto and alto refer to a similar musical pitch, but among singers, the term contralto is reserved for female singers.

Bass is also verb with the meaning: to sound in a deep tone.

Bass is also adjective with the meaning: of sound, a voice or an instrument, low in pitch or frequency.

check bellow for the other definitions of Bass and Contralto

  1. Bass as an adjective:

    Of sound, a voice or an instrument, low in pitch or frequency.


    "The giant spoke in a deep, bass, rumbling voice that shook me to my boots."

  1. Bass as a noun:

    A low spectrum of sound tones.


    "Peter adjusted the equalizer on his audio equipment to emphasize the bass."

  2. Bass as a noun:

    A section of musical group that produces low-pitched sound, lower than the baritone and tenor.


    "The conductor preferred to situate the bass in the middle rear, rather than to one side of the orchestra."

  3. Bass as a noun:

    A male singer who sings in the bass range.


    "Halfway through middle school, Edgar morphed from a soprano to a bass, much to the amazement and amusement of his fellow choristers."

  4. Bass as a noun (musical instrument):

    An instrument that plays in the bass range, in particular a double bass, bass guitar, electric bass or bass synthesiser.


    "The musician swung the bass over his head like an axe and smashed it into the amplifier, creating a discordant howl of noise."

  5. Bass as a noun:

    The clef sign that indicates that the pitch of the notes is below middle C; a bass clef.


    "The score had been written without the treble and bass, but it was easy to pick out which was which based on the location of the notes on the staff."

  1. Bass as a verb:

    To sound in a deep tone.

  1. Bass as a noun:

    The perch; any of various marine and freshwater fish resembling the perch, all within the order of Perciformes.

  1. Bass as a noun:

    The fibrous inner bark of the linden or lime tree, used for making mats.

  2. Bass as a noun:

    Fibers from other plants, especially palm trees

  3. Bass as a noun:

    Anything made from such fibers, such as a hassock, basket or thick mat.

  1. Contralto as a noun (music):

    The lowest female voice or voice part, falling between tenor and mezzo-soprano. The terms contralto and alto refer to a similar musical pitch, but among singers, the term contralto is reserved for female singers; the equivalent male form is counter-tenor. Originally the contratenor altus was a high countermelody sung against the tenor or main melody.