The difference between Babe and Doll

When used as nouns, babe means a baby or infant, whereas doll means a toy in the form of a human.

check bellow for the other definitions of Babe and Doll

  1. Babe as a noun (literary, or, poetic):

    A baby or infant; a very young human or animal.


    "These events came to pass when he was but a babe."

  2. Babe as a noun (slang):

    An attractive person, especially a young woman.


    "She's a real babe!"

  3. Babe as a noun:

    Darling .


    "Hey, babe, how's about you and me getting together?"

  1. Doll as a noun:

    A toy in the form of a human.

  2. Doll as a noun (informal):

    A woman.

  3. Doll as a noun (US, Australia):

    darling, sweetheart.

  4. Doll as a noun:

    a good-natured, cooperative or helpful girl

  5. Doll as a noun:

    The smallest or pet pig in a litter.