The difference between Assent and Aver

When used as nouns, assent means agreement, whereas aver means possessions, property, belongings, wealth.

When used as verbs, assent means to agree, whereas aver means to assert the truth of, to affirm with confidence.

check bellow for the other definitions of Assent and Aver

  1. Assent as a verb (intransitive):

    To agree; to give approval.

  2. Assent as a verb (intransitive):

    To admit a thing as true.

  1. Assent as a noun:

    agreement; act of agreeing


    "I will give this act my assent."

  1. Aver as a verb:

    To assert the truth of, to affirm with confidence; to declare in a positive manner.

  2. Aver as a verb (legal):

    To prove or justify a plea.

  3. Aver as a verb (obsolete):

    To avouch, prove, or verify; to offer to verify.

  1. Aver as a noun (obsolete):

    Possessions, property, belongings, wealth.

  1. Aver as a noun (dialectal):

    A work-horse, working ox, or other beast of burden.