The difference between Arrow and Directed edge

When used as nouns, arrow means a projectile consisting of a shaft, a point and a tail with stabilizing fins that is shot from a bow, whereas directed edge means an edge of a directed graph.

Arrow is also contraction with the meaning: (sometimes used with a redundant a or an).

Arrow is also verb with the meaning: to move swiftly and directly (like an arrow).

check bellow for the other definitions of Arrow and Directed edge

  1. Arrow as a noun:

    A projectile consisting of a shaft, a point and a tail with stabilizing fins that is shot from a bow.

  2. Arrow as a noun:

    A sign or symbol used to indicate a direction (e.g. \to).

  3. Arrow as a noun (graph theory):

    A directed edge.

  4. Arrow as a noun (colloquial, darts):

    A dart.

  5. Arrow as a noun (computing):

    The -> symbol, which has specific meanings in various programming languages.

  6. Arrow as a noun (botany):

    The or of a mature plant.

  1. Arrow as a verb (intransitive):

    To move swiftly and directly (like an arrow)

  2. Arrow as a verb (transitive):

    To let fly swiftly and directly

  3. Arrow as a verb (intransitive, botany, of a sugar cane plant):

    To develop an .

  4. Arrow as a verb (computing, intransitive):

    To navigate using the arrow keys.


    "Arrow left until you reach the start of the text you want to delete."

  1. Directed edge as a noun (graph theory):

    An edge of a directed graph.