The difference between Armour and Tank

When used as nouns, armour means a protective layer over a body, vehicle, or other object intended to deflect or diffuse damaging forces, whereas tank means a closed container for liquids or gases.

When used as verbs, armour means to equip something with armour or a protective coating or hardening, whereas tank means to fail or fall (often used in describing the economy or the stock market).

check bellow for the other definitions of Armour and Tank

  1. Armour as a noun (uncountable):

    A protective layer over a body, vehicle, or other object intended to deflect or diffuse damaging forces.

  2. Armour as a noun (uncountable):

    A natural form of this kind of protection on an animal's body.

  3. Armour as a noun (uncountable):

    Metal plate, protecting a ship, military vehicle, or aircraft.

  4. Armour as a noun (countable):

    A tank, or other heavy mobile assault vehicle.

  5. Armour as a noun (military, uncountable):

    A military formation consisting primarily of tanks or other armoured fighting vehicles, collectively.

  6. Armour as a noun (hydrology, uncountable):

    The naturally occurring surface of pebbles, rocks or boulders that line the bed of a waterway or beach and provide protection against erosion.

  1. Armour as a verb (transitive):

    To equip something with armour or a protective coating or hardening.

  2. Armour as a verb (transitive):

    To provide something with an analogous form of protection.

  1. Tank as a noun:

    A closed container for liquids or gases.

  2. Tank as a noun:

    An open container or pool for storing water or other liquids.

  3. Tank as a noun:

    A pond, pool, or small lake, natural or artificial.

  4. Tank as a noun:

    The fuel reservoir of a vehicle.

  5. Tank as a noun:

    The amount held by a container; a tankful.


    "I burned three tanks of gas on the drive to New York."

  6. Tank as a noun:

    An armoured fighting vehicle, armed with a gun in a turret, and moving on caterpillar tracks.

  7. Tank as a noun (Australian and Indian English):

    A reservoir or dam.

  8. Tank as a noun (Southwestern US, chiefly, Texas):

    A large metal container for holding drinking water for animals, usually placed near a wind-driven water pump, in an animal pen or field.

  9. Tank as a noun (Southwestern US, chiefly, Texas):

    By extension a small pond for the same purpose.

  10. Tank as a noun (slang):

    A very muscular and physically imposing person. Somebody who is built like a tank.

  11. Tank as a noun (role-playing games, board games, video games):

    a unit or character designed primarily around damage absorption and holding the attention of the enemy (as opposed to dealing damage, healing, or other tasks)

  12. Tank as a noun (US, slang):

    A prison cell, or prison generally.

  1. Tank as a verb:

    To fail or fall (often used in describing the economy or the stock market); to degenerate or decline rapidly; to plummet.

  2. Tank as a verb (video games):

    To attract the attacks of an enemy target in cooperative team-based combat, so that one's teammates can defeat the enemy in question more efficiently.

  3. Tank as a verb:

    To put fuel into a tank.

  4. Tank as a verb:

    To deliberately lose a sports match with the intent of gaining a perceived future competitive advantage.

  5. Tank as a verb (fandom slang):

    To resist damage; to be attacked without being hurt.

  1. Tank as a noun:

    A small Indian dry measure, averaging 240 grains in weight.

  2. Tank as a noun:

    A Bombay weight of 72 grains, for pearls.


    "rfquotek Simmonds"