The difference between Argot and Vernacular
When used as nouns, argot means a secret language or conventional slang peculiar to thieves, tramps and vagabonds, whereas vernacular means the language of a people or a national language.
Vernacular is also adjective with the meaning: of or pertaining to everyday language, as opposed to standard, literary, liturgical, or scientific idiom.
check bellow for the other definitions of Argot and Vernacular
Argot as a noun:
A secret language or conventional slang peculiar to thieves, tramps and vagabonds.
Argot as a noun:
The specialized informal vocabulary and terminology used between people with special skill in a field, such as between doctors, mathematicians or hackers; a jargon.
"The conversation was in the argot of the trade, full of acronyms and abbreviations that made no sense to the [[uninitiate]]."
Vernacular as a noun:
The language of a people or a national language.
"A vernacular of the United States is English."
Vernacular as a noun:
Everyday speech or dialect, including colloquialisms, as opposed to standard, literary, liturgical, or scientific idiom.
"Street vernacular can be quite different from what is heard elsewhere."
Vernacular as a noun:
Language unique to a particular group of people; jargon, argot.
"For those of a certain age, hiphop vernacular might just as well be a foreign language."
Vernacular as a noun (Roman Catholicism):
The indigenous language of a people, into which the words of the Mass are translated.
"Vatican II allowed the celebration of the mass in the vernacular."
Vernacular as an adjective:
Of or pertaining to everyday language, as opposed to standard, literary, liturgical, or scientific idiom.
Vernacular as an adjective:
Belonging to the country of one's birth; one's own by birth or nature; native; indigenous.
"a vernacular disease"
Vernacular as an adjective (architecture):
Of or related to local building materials and styles; not imported.
Vernacular as an adjective (art):
Connected to a collective memory; not imported.
Compare words:
Compare with synonyms and related words:
- argot vs cant
- argot vs jargon
- argot vs slang
- argot vs jargon
- lingua franca vs vernacular
- dialect vs vernacular
- idiom vs vernacular
- argot vs vernacular
- jargon vs vernacular
- slang vs vernacular
- common vs vernacular
- everyday vs vernacular
- indigenous vs vernacular
- ordinary vs vernacular
- vernacular vs vulgar
- colloquial vs vernacular
- folk vs vernacular